A collaborative project with Sean Gnau, "hacking" Milton Bradley's 'The Game of Life.' The final product focuses on the player's life in social media, and holds the title 'The Game of No Life.' 
The game focuses on the value of social media as a career platform, while also showcasing the negative affects of oversharing.
The player's goal is to work as an online personality (with choices including tutorial expert, podcast host, community manager, web game developer, and more) to earn the most followers before reaching the end of the game and selling out. Along the way, the player will receive a sponsor card, some coworkers (pegs that are placed in the cursor), and will occasionally land on some notification spaces that both positively and negatively impact the player's amount of followers.
Utilizing my past experience with 3d modeling, I designed the cursor and peg pieces using Lightwave3D, and printed them with a MakerBot Replicator 2X. 
Various symbols were created to resemble those found throughout the use of social media. These were layered varying in shape, size and opacity, to create an abstract background used on the box and game board to keep the user experience consistent.
Sean Gnau worked on the language, playing cards, logo and rules, while I handled the board, box, player pieces, and currency (followers).